Top Registrars
Registrar Country Total % Gain/Loss
GoDaddy 62,727,428 -0.19%
NameCheap 13,107,201 0.87%
Tucows 9,317,256 0.05%
GoogleInc 8,272,339 -1.40%
Network Solutions 4,908,528 -0.03%
NameBright 4,908,339 -0.08%
1 & 1 INTERNET 4,547,465 0.49%
BeijingLanhaiJiyeTechnology 4,199,186 1.32%
GMO Internet 3,773,288 0.76%
PublicDomainRegistry 3,518,038 -1.06%
Daily DNS Changes
TLD New Deleted Transferred Current Total
.com 108,248 142,110 182,228 155,917,303
.net 7,820 10,968 9,328 12,725,250
.org 6,457 5,811 7,026 10,892,420
.info 3,066 3,208 2,879 3,580,653
.xyz 27,073 5,155 16,467 3,493,636
.online 6,553 7,399 5,308 3,054,923
.shop 6,102 3,970 3,810 2,883,857
.top 5,903 4,612 5,220 2,766,639
.pl 1,781 2,846 256 2,577,525
Total 173,003 186,079 232,522 197,892,206
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